Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Movies Galore!!!

I think i'll be putting up more posts now seeing as it is the holidays...And i spent the first week of it with movies! Loads of em!! At the cinema, and at home with our trusted brand of pirate products. I thought, hey it would be a great idea to come up with my very own movie review. So here goes....Quarantine: Does provide the typical scare that people often look for in horror films. The kind that makes you jump out of your seat screaming. So yeah, its good. The whole movie is shot in real-time, as in using a video recorder. It's basically about people becoming infected with rabies and turning into flesh eating animals. Gory killings, decapitated bodies and loads, i mean LOADS of blood dominate most of the movie, giving it an 'A' rating. Twilight: After all the anticipation, i have to say, the movie did not deliver. It was slow and painful. While it would be a good movie for romantics to enjoy, the average movie lover, would despise it. The lack of good action scenes(mind you, there was only a very brief one), makes this movie simply, boring. It deserves a 'D'. Varanam Aiyaram, my very first tamil movie in a theatre: It was good, really good. Diverging away from the typical tamil movie stigma of fighting and lovers running around trees, the movie focuses on a father-son relationship played by the same person. Good script and genuine acting makes this movie an enjoyable one. Happy watching!!

1 comment:

Hyperdiablo said...

Hey, very nice post... Well,there's just something that I find hard to look at... You know it, the Twilight comment. A 'D', are you nuts???!!! Boring???!!! Go to hell... To many people it might look or sound boring, but there are just some movies that don't just rely merely on basic attention-grabbing action sequences to capture the audiences' attention. This is a movie whereby you need to listen to the dialogues and understand the movie. And one more thing, go check out the box office charts now and look at Twilight's position in it... Doesn't it just feels weird to you that the movie that you just rated 'D' is actually doing way way better than the rest of the movies you commented( not forgetting the movie you gave an 'A')... ( Dey, sry dey, u can say anything else, but u cant kutuk twilight, u just cant do tat when i'm alive, wakakakakaka.....)